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Author: Noble Dobkins

Police Officer Position

The City of Galena, KS is looking for professional, self-motivated, community oriented, individuals to apply for Patrol Officer positions.

TYPE:  Full Time & Part Time


Applicants must be 21 years of age, a United States Citizen, have a high school diploma or equivalent, and good moral character.  Applicant cannot have felony or domestic violence arrests. Law Enforcement certified preferred but not mandatory.

The City of Galena is an Equal Opportunity Employer

Applicants will be required to successfully pass a background investigation, psychological, physical, and drug and alcohol testing.

OBTAINING AN APPLICATION: To obtain an Application;  Print from City Web Site:  or request and return to: City Clerk’s Office at (620)783-5265, 211 W 7th Street Galena, KS 66739.

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City of Galena Employee Application

How did you find out about this position?
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.

Employment Desired

Have you ever been an employee of the City of Galena?
Are you legally eligible for employment in the United States?

Employment Experience


Educational Background

Did you graduate?
Did you graduate?
Did you graduate?


Include supervisors and person we may contact to verify your performance and qualifications. Do not give names of persons related to you.
Your Supervisor?
Your Supervisor?


At the time of interview you will be required to sign a release form to all access to any and all of your records. This will include high school and college or university transcripts and credit information.

High School/GED Information

Copy of High School Diploma is required and must be attached.
Did you Graduate
Did you Graduate
Did you Graduate
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Copy of GED is required and must be attached.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.

College or University Information

Copy of Degree(s) must be attached
Did you Graduate
Did you Graduate
Did you Graduate
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.

Veteran Information

If you are a veteran, please list the branch(s) of service and dates and include type of discharge received o include the “RE” code.

Places of Residence for the Last 5 Years

Address #1
Address #2
Address #3


Please check all your information, complete all fields, and attach all supporting documents before submitting this application and addendum.
I certify by signing this electronically, that all the information submitted by me on this application is true and complete, and I understand that if any false or misleading information, omissions, or misrepresentations are discovered, my application may be rejected, and if I am employed, my employment may be terminated at any time. In consideration of my employment, I agree to conform to the office’s rules and regulations, and I understand that these rules and or the employee handbook do not form a contract of employment either expressed or implied, and I agree that my employment and compensation can be terminated, with or without cause, and with or without notice, at any time, at either my or the department’s option. I also understand and agree that the terms and conditions of my employment may be changed, with or without cause and with or without notice, at any time by the office. I understand that no city representative, other than the Mayor, and then only when in writing and signed by the Mayor, has any authority to enter into an agreement for employment for any specific period of time, or to make any agreement contrary to the foregoing.

Click It or Ticket May 19 – June 2, 2024

Every day we make hundreds of choices. The easiest one should be wearing your seat belt. While it is a fact that seat belts save lives, many still make the choice to not buckle up. In the Click It or Ticket campaign, while all Kansas traffic laws will be enforced, the primary focus will be on the adult seat belt and child safety laws.

During Click It or Ticket, drivers will be met with extra enforcement by our agency.  We will be on the lookout for the unrestrained drivers, passengers, and children traveling our roads. Your seat belt could be what saves you and those riding with you. Insist that everyone in the vehicle is retrained on every trip.

We also want people to know that in the interest of saving lives, The Galena Police Department is committed to ticketing and educating the violators of adult seat belt and child safety laws, as well as other traffic infractions because we want you to be as safe as possible on your travels.

Thanksgiving Safe Arrival

This Thanksgiving Holiday, make sure to buckle up, Kansans. If you don’t make occupant protection a habit now start a new tradition!

Beginning Saturday, November 18th through Sunday, Nov 26th, 2023 The Galena Police Department will join many other law enforcement agencies across the state, including the Kansas Highway Patrol, in the Kansas *THANKGIVING SAFE ARRIVAL traffic enforcement campaign. Although all Kansas Traffic Laws will be enforced, this extra provision will be actively enforcing our occupant protection laws.

The Galena Police Department will also provide education that serves as a reminder that BUCKLING UP SAVES LIVES.

Don’t be a turkey, buckle up, every trip, every time. Your friends and family are counting on you.

Crashes Can Happen Anywhere

Motorists may be surprised to learn that over half of the fatality and serious injury crashes occur on local roads with half of those crashes involving only a single vehicle. Rural roads have the most fatal crashes in Kansas despite accounting for only 40% of total state miles traveled. The Kansas Drive to Zero Coalition, supported by the Kansas Department of Transportation, and law enforcement agencies want to bring awareness to drivers who may think traveling on local roads comes with less risk.

According to Chief Charles, “Safe driving behaviors are the number one-way motorists can protect themselves and their occupants traveling anywhere.”

Driving too fast for conditions, distracted driving, impaired driving, and failure to properly use seatbelts and child restraint protection severely increase the severity of a crash. “What drivers need to know is nearly 86 percent of local road crashes take place in good weather conditions, and a majority of these are on straight and level roads so remember drive defensively, buckle up and phone down- every trip, every time.” Said Chief Charles.

For more information on local roads and other safe driving programs visit


You Drink. You Drive. You Lose- is Just Ahead

Drivers are advised that during the period of August 19 through Labor Day, September 4, The Galena Police Department will join other police agencies across Kansas in a crackdown aimed at removing impaired drivers from the roadways during You Drink. You Drive. You Lose.

It is illegal to drive while impaired, yet one person is killed in a drunk driving crash every 52 minutes in the United States. Just one drink before driving can put you and others in danger, because alcohol impairs thinking, reasoning and muscle coordination.

Driving after consuming alcohol or any other potentially impairing substance is a choice you make. The You Drink. You Drive. You Lose enforcement campaign is intended to remind drivers to take a moment to consider how it would be to begin every day with the memory of your decision if it resulted in injury or death. If you are driving impaired, you are not only more likely to crash, but that crash is much more likely to cause serious injury or death. Think about your family, your friends, your coworkers, neighbors. Always wear your seat belt it’s your best defense against impaired drivers. Every trip, every time.

You can count on this agency to vigorously enforce impaired driving and other traffic laws, not just during this enforcement campaign but all through the year in order to save lives.


Overdose Rescue Kit

The Galena Police Department has installed a NALOXBOX (Overdose Rescue Kit) in the Municipal Building. This box is located next to the water fountain near the main entrance of the building.

This box was provided by DCCCA and NALOXBOX in an effort to help prevent accidental overdose and help save life’s within our community.

Boil Water Advisory Rescinded for the City of Galena, Cherokee County, Kansas

For Immediate Release

July 3, 2023

For more information, contact:

Matthew Lara


Boil Water Advisory Rescinded for the City of Galena, Cherokee County

TOPEKA – The Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) has rescinded a boil water advisory for the City of Galena public water supply system located in Cherokee County. The advisory was issued on June 30, 2023 due to a line break resulting in a loss of pressure in the system.

Public water suppliers in Kansas take all measures necessary to notify customers quickly after a system failure or shutdown. Regardless of whether it’s the supplier or KDHE that announces a boil water advisory, KDHE will issue the rescind order following testing at a certified laboratory.

Laboratory testing samples collected from the City of Galena indicate no evidence of bacteriological contamination and all other conditions that placed the system at risk of contamination are deemed by KDHE officials to be resolved.  

For consumer questions, please contact the water system at: 620-783-5265 or you may call KDHE at 785-296-5514. For consumer information please visit KDHE’s PWS Consumer Information webpage:



For Immediate Release
June 30, 2023
For more information, contact:
Matthew Lara

Boil Water Advisory Issued for the City of Galena, Cherokee County

TOPEKA – The Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) has issued a boil water advisory for
the City of Galena public water supply system located in Cherokee County.

Customers should observe the following precautions until further notice:

  • Boil water for one minute prior to drinking or food preparation or use bottled water.
  • Dispose of ice cubes and do not use ice from a household automatic icemaker.
  • If your tap water appears dirty, flush the water lines by letting the water run until it clears.
  • Disinfect dishes and other food contact surfaces by immersion for at least one minute in clean tap
    water that contains one teaspoon of unscented household bleach per gallon of water.
  • Water used for bathing does not generally need to be boiled. Supervision of children is necessary
    while bathing so that water is not ingested. Persons with cuts or severe rashes may wish to consult
    their physicians.

  • The advisory took effect on June 30, 2023 and will remain in effect until the conditions that placed the
    system at risk of bacterial contamination are resolved. KDHE officials issued the advisory because of of a
    line break resulting in a loss of pressure in the system. Failure to maintain adequate pressure may result in
    a loss of chlorine residuals and bacterial contamination.
    Regardless of whether the public water supplier or Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE)
    announced a boil water advisory, only KDHE can issue the rescind order following testing at a certified laboratory.
    For consumer questions, please contact the water system at 620-783-5265, or KDHE at 785-296-5514. For
    consumer information please visit KDHE’s PWS Consumer Information webpage:

  • Restaurants and other food establishments that have questions about the impact of the boil water advisory
    on their business can contact the Kansas Department of Agriculture’s food safety & lodging program at or call 785-564-6767.
