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Hub Inc.


The answer is simple. HUB offers you all of the tobacco and accessories you need for your retail business, but with better delivery times, better pricing and a much simpler ordering and restocking process than our competitors.

You, in order to run your business, need your products to be available for order when you need them and to know that they will arrive on time, every time. You also need a great value to remain competitive.

That’s what HUB does. It’s why you need HUB Tobacco.

What HUB Does for You.

We streamline the entire process and make ordering and restocking simple. We also provide innovative products and accessories such as e-cigarettes or “vapors” to help you keep up with the changing demands of your customers.

Honestly, there’s not too much in the way of wholesale tobacco distribution that HUB can’t provide. We pride ourselves on that, and it’s why our Clients have come to love us. We want to be all these things for you as well.

Simply fill out the form to the right, and we’ll be in touch!
