Author: Tracy Roberts
Route 66 Travelers Provide Donation
Today a group of Vietnamese Travelers from the Huston and Austin Tx area came through Galena traveling Route 66. They were traveling on 2 buses from All America Travel. They said they travel through here every 3 years or so and are really impressed with our little town. The group donated a total of $600.00 to the Police Department and Fire Station to show their appreciation for the jobs we do to keep the citizens safe. We would like to thank this group for their kind words of support and the donation they provided.
This Saturday, August 21, 2021 8:00am to Noon. 210 W 7th Street, Galena Ks.
You Drink. You Drive. You Lose
The Galena Police Department will be joining other local and state law enforcement agencies across Kansas starting August 20 through Labor Day, September 6, in a crackdown aimed at removing drunk and other impaired drivers from the roadways during *You Drink. You Drive. You Lose.
It is illegal everywhere to drive while impaired, yet, in 2019, over 10,000 people in the U.S. were killed in drunk driving crashes. Impaired driving fatalities every day are the direct result of decisions people make. Driving after consuming ANY potentially impairing substance is a decision YOU make.
You know that it is wrong and dangerous. You tell yourself you won’t do it again, but you do. It’s time to stop.
Start a new habit, the habit of NOT driving to situations where you will be tempted to drink or partake in other impairing substances. Ask to ride with a non-drinking friend, designate a driver, or use one of the many other options available. Start today.
The You Drink. You Drive. You Lose enforcement campaign is intended to remind drivers:
“Don’t consume impairing substances and get behind the wheel. Impaired driving is a major cause of crashes and a danger not just to you and those riding with you, but to every single person on the road.
Make it a habit to have a sober driver lined up before you drink alcohol away from home.
We also want to remind everyone to always have your seatbelts on, it’s your best defense in case of a crash.
You can always count on this department to vigorously enforce impaired driving and other traffic laws, not just during this enforcement campaign but all through the year.”
On behalf of the Cherokee County Pathways to a Healthy Kansas Initiative, we are pleased to inform you about an upcoming opportunity in our community.
Beginning on Thursday, July 1st, 2021, all Cherokee County residents will be invited to take an online health & wellness assessment. The survey, which will be conducted in partnership with the University of Kansas Medical Center, is designed to collect information about our community and its greatest needs. Each household that completes a survey will receive a $10 Columbus Farmers Market Voucher! The Columbus Farmers Market meets every Thursday from 4:00-6:30 PM at 202 N. East Ave. Columbus, KS 66725.
An LMI survey, which can be used to qualify for CDBG grants, will be included with this survey. Each survey response will also be counted towards an LMI survey.
Residents can access the survey by visiting this link:
Residents may also access the survey by scanning the below QR Code:
The personal information of respondents will remain confidential and not shared or sold with any third parties. Participation is voluntary.
Please share this information within your communities. If you have questions or concerns, please reach out to Jake Letner, Cherokee County Pathways Grant Coordinator. He may be reached by e-mail at
Licensed Business Directory
Did you know that we have a section on our website for all City Licensed and insured businesses? Go to for more information.
Online Account Access Available NOW!
For Immediate Release:
We are excited to announce that the City of Galena has adopted FrontDesk, a web-based platform that gives our residents access to a variety of tools to interact with us in one convenient place. We have invested in this platform to provide a modern, satisfying, and convenient experience. This is a part of our effort to provide superior customer service and offerings to the City of Galena residents and to strengthen the connection between citizen and government. Sign up for FrontDesk here:
FrontDesk offers many exciting features and benefits for all city residents including:
- Conveniently pay your monthly utility bills from the comfort and safety of your home. No more writing out a check each month to pay your utility bill! No worries about social distancing and possible exposure.
- Receive bills electronically.
- Enroll in autopay using ACH or credit card payments so you won’t have to remember to pay your bills each month.
- Get important messages and notifications via email or text.
- 24/7 access to your utility account and usage information including utility usage, tracking multiple accounts, and submitting service requests.
- Conveniently submit utility service requests from your computer or mobile device.
- Fill out and submit forms directly online and pay any associated fees online. Our staff will review and process the forms – no more paper required!
- Easy access to Public Notices and answers to Frequently Asked Questions so you can see important city-related information in one place.
- Review Meeting Agendas and Minutes. (in Progress)
- Use Citizen Requests to submit requests directly to the necessary government officials with a few clicks of a mouse or taps on a smartphone.
FrontDesk is mobile-friendly and can be accessed anywhere from any device with an internet connection. Log in to see all your outstanding bills, pay bills online or enroll in autopay for added convenience. You will also have access to important city information including public notices, Council Meeting Agendas and Minutes, answers to Frequently Asked Questions, and ability to fill out and submit forms online. FrontDesk is your direct line of communication to receive your information, alerts, and notices.
Sign up for FrontDesk today!
Now Accepting Applications for Pool Manager for the 2021 Season
The City of Galena is now accepting applications for Pool Manager for the 2021 Pool Season. If you would like to apply applications can be found online at or a paper copy can be picked up at City Hall in the Clerks of office.