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Galena News

Arrest Warrant Leads to New Charges

On June 25th at approximately 2:30 a.m. the Galena Police Department went to 1101 North Murphy Street in Galena, KS to Serve Arrest Warrants on Ricky Hood DOB: 02/09/1980.

Mr. Hood was located and taken into custody at the residence. As he was being searched, Mr. Hood informed officers he had “dope” in his possession.

Ricky Hood was transported to and is being held at the Cherokee County Jail for Two Zero Bond Warrants out of Cherokee County for Probation Violations. He is also being charged with Possession of Methamphetamine, Felony Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, Misdemeanor Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, Possessing Methamphetamine with Intent to Distribute and is held on a $31,000 bond.

Galena City Pool to OPEN June 11th

Pool Party Prices: 2 Hour Minimum $50.00 an hour for 35 swimmers or less. $62.50 an hour for more than 35 swimmers.

Pool Pass Prices: $35.00 per person. $10.00 for each additional immediate family member.

Call 620-783-5265 for scheduling and any further questions.

Click It or Ticket is Just Ahead

Beginning on Monday, May 18th, and continuing through Sunday, May 31st , travelers can expect increased police presence as the Galena Police Department joins other law enforcement agencies in aggressively enforcing Kansas occupant restraint and other traffic laws as part of the 2020 Kansas Click It or Ticket campaign.  This activity is supported by a grant from the Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT).  Enforcement will occur around the clock. Seatbelt use diminishes after nightfall, meaning the likelihood of unbelted crash injuries and deaths rise during those hours.

The aim of Click It or Ticket is simple:  to effectively reduce the number of preventable deaths and injuries that occur when unbelted drivers and passengers are involved in traffic crashes.  About 345 persons are involved in 170 crashes each day in Kansas. Only 7% of those that are unbelted are likely to escape without injury.  Half of all fatalities occur among those who are not wearing a seat belt. While seat belts may not always prevent a serious or fatal injury, certainly no other piece of equipment within the vehicle provides more protection.  

“I want people to know that, day or night, the Galena Police Department is committed to aggressively ticketing violators of adult seat belt and child safety laws, as well as other traffic infractions, which make the need for occupant restraint so necessary.  The stop will be inconvenient, your vehicle and driver’s license numbers will likely be checked for outstanding warrants and insurance, and you will pay at least $30 to the court.  So, use your belt, every trip, every time.”

***Stay safe.***

Cherokee County Food Fight

May 4th – May 15th

Baxter Springs, Columbus, Galena, Riverton, and Weir

Compete with local towns to see who can stock the
shelves for their local pantry the most. Foods
donated will go back to the food pantry in each
individual community! Donations will be weighed at
Farmers COOP to provide the winning community
with bragging rights!

Farmers COOP is issuing a challenge! If all 5
communities can work together and donate 2,000
pounds, they will donate an additional 2,000 pounds
to stock area food pantries!
Drop off any non-perishable foods at the
drop off sites below.

Baxter Springs – Soda Fountain (1136 Military Ave)
Columbus- Extension Office (124 W Country Rd)
Galena – Galena Sentinel (511 S Main St)
Riverton – Riggs Chiropractic (6524 SE Quakervale)
Weir – City of Weir (306 N. Washington)

K-State Research and Extension is an equal opportunity employer and provider.

K26 Road Improvements

KDOT will be doing a Mill and Overlay project on K26, between Galena and Highway 166 this week. Traffic will be reduced to one lane and directed by flaggers and a pilot car.  Delays of up to 15 minutes should be anticipated.

Please use patience and watch out for worker while driving through this area.

Arrest Warrant Served at Galena Residence

As a result of an investigation into alleged sexual misconduct with a child; On Friday April 3, 2020, Officers with the Galena Police Department served an arrest warrant at 2125 S. Main Galena, KS.

73-Year-old Carl E. Combs of the residence was taken into custody and transported to the Cherokee County Jail. Combs is Charged through the Cherokee County District Court with four (4) counts of Aggravated Indecent Liberties with a Child.

He is being held on a $100,000.00 bond.

City Hall Closure

Due to the Coronavirus Pandemic the following changes are in affect effective March 16, 2020:

The Galena City Building and the Galena Public Library will be closed to the public. If you need to pay your water bill, or conduct other city business, please proceed to the drive thru from 8:00am to 4:30pm Monday through Friday. We can also be reached at 620-783-5265 or visit

If you need to speak to the Court Clerk, you can enter through the north east door between the hours of 8:00am through 4:30pm or by calling 620-783-2454. Review Court will be 8:30am May 1st, 2020. Next Court Date is May 08, 2020 at 1:30pm. All probation has been moved to May 12, 2020 at 5:30pm.

If you need to speak with an officer, you can enter through the north east door between the hours of 8:30am and 4:30pm Monday through Friday. For after hours and weekends, you can call 620-783-5065 or 620-429-3992. In an emergency call 911.

The City Buildings including Galena Public Library, Senior Citizen Building, and Galena Community Room will also be closed for 30 days. Schermerhorn Park and Galena Ballfields will also be closed for 30 days. No meetings, games, gatherings or practices.

We apologize for any inconvenience, but for the health and safety of the general public, ourselves, and your respective families, this is in effect for 30 days.

2020 Census

Invitations to respond to the 2020 Census will be delivered between March 12-20. Once you receive that invitation, you can respond online, by phone, or by mail

Ordinance No. 20-04

During the February 03, 2020 regular City Council Meeting Ordinance 20-04 was approved to allow the assessment of the costs to collect debts owed to the City of Galena, Kansas.


Be it ordained by the Governing Body of the City of Galena, Kansas:

Section 1. Every citizen/debtor shall pay any and all charges related to the reasonable costs of collection of any fine/fee/ costs of services, as well as any costs/ assessments for clean-up of the property for a municipal violation that is the violation that is the issue herein. This specifically applies to, but not limited to, charges for water, electricity, property code violation fines, parking tickets, municipal court fines, fees, court costs, interest accrued thereon, and any other debt due and owing to the municipality. The cost of collection include, but are not limited to, court costs, surcharges, attorney fees, and collection agency fee, except that such costs of collection may not include both attorney fees and collection agency fees.

Section 2. The ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after its publication in the official city newspaper.

Approved and passed by the governing body of the City of Galena, Kansas, this 3rd day if February 2020.

Published in The official City Newspaper on February 05, 2020.