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Galena News

Seat-Belt Enforcement Oct 28th – Nov 1st

On Monday, October 28th, The Galena Police Department along with other law enforcement agencies across Kansas will step up patrols around area schools. Officers will pay close attention to vehicles arriving and departing the area to ensure occupants are using their seat belts. This extra enforcement will run through November 1st.

According to the 2017 Kansas observational seatbelt survey, children are much more likely to be buckled up if the driver is wearing their seatbelts. If the driver is buckled, about 98% of the children are restrained. If the driver is not buckled, only about 29% of the observed children were buckled.  Parents need to be aware that wearing a seatbelt properly is the best prevention of serious injury or death in a vehicle. There should be no surprise when it comes to this enforcement.

For the latest data and to see more about Kansas safety belt laws, go to

Accepting Applications

The City of Galena, KS is looking for professional, self-motivated, community oriented, individuals to apply for Police Administrative Clerk.

The applicant must be organized professionals with strong skills in solving office problems and managing records. They must be able to maintain an efficient filing system for a police agency’s administrative, criminal, and personnel records. This person also needs prioritizing skills to execute day-to-day tasks in order of importance or urgency, discharge their duties with integrity, and deal with the public in a pleasant and tactful manner.

Applicants must successfully complete a preliminary background check. Have ability to communicate well in person, over the phone and the radio with public and other Law Enforcement employees.  Applicants recommended for hire will be required to successfully complete a post offer drug screen, written, psychological, and physical exams.


Apply at the City Clerk’s Office, 210 W 7th Street, Galena, KS or print an Application Form, Addendum to Employment Application, Authorization to Release Information from the City Web Site: and/or mail resume to:  City of Galena, c/o Human Resource Dept., 210 Turner Drive, Galena, KS 66739 or email resume to

 The City of Galena is an Equal Opportunity Employer

Land Bank Meeting Held

A land bank is an entity established to manage and dispose of distressed property for the purpose of stabilizing neighborhoods and encouraging the reuse or redevelopment of property. Kansas law allows city and county governments to create land banks. Land banks have come up at both countywide meetings we have held on housing. But, at the time, we had more questions than answers.

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August 15th through September 2, 2019

The Galena Police Department will join 190 other local and state police agencies across Kansas in a crackdown aimed at removing drunk and other drugged drivers from the roadways.  You Drink. You Drive. You Lose., is underwritten by the Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT).

According to Chief Charles, this campaign is intended to remind drivers of several things:

  1. If you are planning on going out to drink, make a designated driver a substantial part of this plan.
  2. Check your medications for any driving/operating warnings. A prescription is for medication; it is not a permission slip to drive.
  3. Think of a family you know – maybe your own – and consider how you would feel if your decision to drink and drive was the cause of serious injury or death.
  4. A DUI arrest can cost you thousands of dollars.
  5. We are asking all citizens on the roadways – drivers and passengers, alike – to watch for suspicious driving behaviors. Note location, a description of the suspect vehicle, and its direction of travel and call 911 as soon as it’s safe to do so.  You may save a life.
  6. You can count on this department to vigorously enforce impaired driving and other traffic laws – not just during this campaign but throughout the year.
  7. Always remember that the best protection against an impaired driver (even when it’s yourself) is the use of seat belts and appropriate child restraints – every trip, every time. Restraints save lives and reduce injury severity across a wide range of driving mistakes and mishaps.


1st Evening Swim

The first evening swim at the City Pool was a success. Thank you to all that came out for fun filled evening of swimming. See you this Thursday 5-8pm.

Land Bank Meeting

Land Bank Meeting Planned

A land bank is an entity established to manage and dispose of distressed property for the purpose of stabilizing neighborhoods and encouraging the reuse or redevelopment of property. Kansas law allows city and county governments to create land banks. Land banks have come up at both countywide meetings we have held on housing. But, at the time, we had more questions than answers.  

In hopes of providing some answers, we have scheduled a meeting on land banks for 6:00 pm on Monday, August 26th in the Community Room at Galena City Hall, 211 W. 7th, Galena, KS. We will be joined by representatives from Pittsburg and Fort Scott who will share information on their land banks and answer questions from attendees.

Please join us if you would like to learn more about land banks, and feel free invite others who may have an interest in the topic. Please call 620-762-0717 or email with questions.