On behalf of the Cherokee County Pathways to a Healthy Kansas Initiative, we are pleased to inform you about an upcoming opportunity in our community.
Beginning on Thursday, July 1st, 2021, all Cherokee County residents will be invited to take an online health & wellness assessment. The survey, which will be conducted in partnership with the University of Kansas Medical Center, is designed to collect information about our community and its greatest needs. Each household that completes a survey will receive a $10 Columbus Farmers Market Voucher! The Columbus Farmers Market meets every Thursday from 4:00-6:30 PM at 202 N. East Ave. Columbus, KS 66725.
An LMI survey, which can be used to qualify for CDBG grants, will be included with this survey. Each survey response will also be counted towards an LMI survey.
Residents can access the survey by visiting this link:
Residents may also access the survey by scanning the below QR Code:

The personal information of respondents will remain confidential and not shared or sold with any third parties. Participation is voluntary.
Please share this information within your communities. If you have questions or concerns, please reach out to Jake Letner, Cherokee County Pathways Grant Coordinator. He may be reached by e-mail at