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Public Safety

You Drink. You Drive. You Lose

August 16 through Labor Day, September 3

 The Galena Police Department will join 150 other local and state police agencies across Kansas in a crackdown aimed at removing drunk and other drugged drivers from the roadways.  You Drink. You Drive. You Lose., is underwritten by the Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT).

According to Chief Charles, this campaign is intended to remind drivers of several things:

  1. If you are planning on going out to drink, make a designated driver a substantial part of this plan.
  2. Check your medications for any driving/operating warnings. A prescription is for medication; it is not a permission slip to drive.
  3. Think of a family you know – maybe your own – and consider how you would feel if your decision to drink and drive was the cause of serious injury or death.
  4. A DUI arrest can cost you thousands of dollars.
  5. We are asking all citizens on the roadways – drivers and passengers, alike – to watch for suspicious driving behaviors. Note location, a description of the suspect vehicle, and its direction of travel and call 911 as soon as it’s safe to do so.  You may save a life.
  6. You can count on this department to vigorously enforce impaired driving and other traffic laws – not just during this campaign but throughout the year.
  7. Always remember that the best protection against an impaired driver (even when it’s yourself) is the use of seat belts and appropriate child restraintsevery trip, every time. Restraints save lives and reduce injury severity across a wide range of driving mistakes and mishaps.
