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Galena News

Independence Day (4th of July)

As the 4th of July approaches people are starting to ask about the city ordnance on fire works with in the City Limits.

Fireworks may be discharged between the hours of 9:00 am through 10:30 pm on July 1st, 2nd , and 3rd. On July 4th they can be discharged between the hours of 9:00 am and ending at midnight.

BOTTLE ROCKETS PROHIBITED. Bottle rockets and other similar self-propelled firework or fireworks devices consisting of a tube and attached guiding stock or rod shall not be sold or discharged in the city.

DISCHARGE ON STREETS AND PUBLIC PROPERTY PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful for any person to discharge, ignite or fire any fireworks upon any public street, alley or avenue or in any park or public place within the city.

THROWING PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful for any person to throw, cast or propel fireworks of any kind in the direction of or into the path of any animal, person or group of persons, or from, in the direction of or into any vehicle of any kind.

Observing Juneteenth

The City of Galena offices will be closed Monday, June 20th, 2022 in observance of the federal holiday. Monday Solid Waste (Trash) routes will run Tuesday, June 21st, 2022. In case of emergency please contact the Galena Police Department at 620-783-5065.

Congressman Jake LaTurner’s Mobile Office

Congressman LaTurner’s Office will be hosting our monthly mobile office hours tomorrow, June 1, in the Galena Municipal Courtroom at 3:00 p.m.

The objective of mobile office hours is to create a direct, in-person, line of communication between our office and the constituents we serve. Each month we will have a staff member in each of the 25 counties across Kansas’ Second Congressional District. Beyond hearing input from constituents, we are here to help any constituent who is dealing with a federal agency. Common areas of casework include:

  • Veterans Benefits
  • Social Security
  • Passport Processing
  • IRS
  • Medicare and Medicaid Assistance
  • United States Postal Service
  • Housing and Urban Development

Please pass this along to anyone in the area who may be interested.

Don’t have a specific issue at the moment? That’s okay. Just drop by to say hello. Our goal is to represent our constituents in the most effective way possible. This can only be accomplished by getting to know folks at the local level. If you can’t make it in-person, feel free to call or email anytime, my contact information is below.

PLEASE NOTE: This is a staff event. Congressman LaTurner will not be present.

Jake Conard

District Director

Congressman Jake LaTurner – KS02

402 N. Broadway, Suite B

Pittsburg, Kansas 66762

o: (785) 205-5253


The City of Galena would like to congratulate all our Galena High School Seniors by honoring them on our Main Street. Banners are now on display. Banners will be taken down towards the end of summer. Watch for details on Pick Up of your Senior Banner. They will be given to each Senior for a keepsake.

Residential Clean Up to Follow City Wide Yard Sales May 2-6th

Galena City Wide Yard Sales have been set for April 30th. Permits can be purchased at City Hall for $5.00. Residential Clean up will be the week following. May 2nd – May 6th. All items must be taken to Jordan Disposal located at 1040 E Front Street. You must bring a current City of Galena Utility Bill and proof of identity. Jordan Disposal will accept items Monday May 2 through Friday May 6th from 7am to 5pm.





The Pawprints on the Heartland’s low-cost spay/neuter van will be operating in GALENA on TUESDAY, MARCH 8th.

The fee for the spay/neuter surgery for cats and small dogs is $40.00.  Assistance is available for low-income, disabled, and elderly.

All pets must be at least three months old and, on a leash, or in a carrier.  Appointments are necessary and can be made by calling 620-232-0907 on Monday, Wednesday, or Friday between 8:00 am and 1:00 pm.

Only 25 slots are open and will be filled on first call basis. 

To date, over approximately 90,000 pets have been spayed/neutered with this program preventing the birth of millions of homeless animals.

Pawprints is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping control the overpopulation of animals.  Each year thousands of pets in southeast Kansas must be put to death simply because there are not enough homes for them.  Pawprints’ motto is “PREVENTION, NOT DESTRUCTION”.

If you would like to sponsor a spay/neuter for a disadvantaged animal, send your $40.00 donation to PAWPRINTS, P.O. Box 644, Pittsburg, KS 66762


Please Scan the above QR code with your smartphone or enter to pre-register for your free COVID 19 test. Our Galena, KS site is located at City Hall/Police Station in the Community Room. Drive through testing is available for pre-registered patients, the building is also open for those who wish to come inside. We ask that if you are experiencing any
flu-like symptoms that you stay in your car.

Once you have pre-registered, promptly go to your email and CONFIRM the link (blue lines). Please check your spam as the email is automatically sent after the registration page is complete. If you miss this step, you will not be notified of your results. Please keep track of the PASSWORD you create.

After testing, you will receive an email with results. CLICK THE LINK: Enter your email and password to retrieve results. Rapid test will be available within 2 hours or less and the PCR test will take 24-48 hours for notification.

Trouble with Results? Go to

Locate the “Need Help w/Covid Results” link Click and Follow the prompts.

Still need help. Email:

Please know that Ivy Medical is a HIPPA compliant company and use of our software and email notification of test results is the best way to maintain compliance and the safety of your information.

Solid Waste Pickup Update

The Public Works Department will be picking up Thursday and Fridays routes today Friday, February 4, 2022. Please be patient with us as we try and catch up under these weather conditions.

Inclement Weather Information

Due to Inclement weather the City Clerks Office and the Court Clerks Office will be closed today Thursday, February 3, 2022.

Trash Services have been postponed until futher notice.

For utility emergencies please call 620-783-1991 from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. After hours utility emergencies please call 620-783-5065.