The City of Galena, Kansas is requesting proposals for professional services to provide maintenance of cemetery grounds of Oak Hill, Old Galena, and Hillcrest cemeteries.
Proposals will be accepted only from qualified contractors with experience and competency in mowing and grounds maintenance. Successful bidder(s) will need to maintain a current business license with the City of Galena.
Length of Contract
Length of contract for services requested is for one year, beginning April 1, 2025, through
March 31st 2026. The contract will be paid by the city monthly, beginning May 1st, 2025 through April 1st, 2026. The City, upon request from the contractor reserves the right to extend this contract as needed based on satisfactory performance.
Nature of Services Required
Oak Hill Cemetery – Maintain cemetery grounds, including all areas within the property occupied by grave sites, future grave sites, grass roadways and the lawn area near the front entrance both inside and outside the rock wall surrounding the East and South sides of the cemetery including the road ditches. In total, this includes maintenance of approximately twenty-two and one half (22.53) acres of area used or reserved for cemetery use.
Old Galena Cemetery – Maintain cemetery grounds including all areas within the property occupied by grave sites. In total, this includes maintenance of approximately nine and one quarter (9.27) acres of area used or reserved for cemetery use including the areas outside of the rock wall next to the streets.
Hillcrest Cemetery – Maintain cemetery grounds including all areas within the property occupied by grave sites and future grave sites. In total, this includes maintenance of approximately thirteen and one third (13.39) acres of area used or reserved for cemetery use including the area outside of the wire rope fence to the south near the highway and the ditch line to the east and north where the property borders the street.
Maintenance provided by the Contractor shall include the following:
A. Mowing of all mowable areas during the growing season to maintain a grass height not to exceed three (3) inches, and not less than two and one half (2.5) inches. The typical growing season shall be defined as March 1st through October 31st.
B. Trimming around all gravestones and markers within the cemetery so that vegetation around such obstacles does not exceed a height of three (3) inches. Includes removal of any grass clippings from gravestones and markers.
C. Removing fallen limbs year-round and leaves in the fall.
D. Removing any tree or brush growth from around grave markers or headstones.
E. Removal of old floral arrangements from grave sites.
F. Removal of all trimmings from the cemetery. Trimming of trees, brush and grass may be mulched at a site within the cemetery only upon approval of the site by the City Superintendent and provided such mulch site is properly maintained.
The Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, tools, and equipment to perform said cemetery maintenance.
The Contractor shall not be considered an agent or employee of the city for any purpose and shall be deemed an independent contractor. The Contractor shall be solely liable for any injury to persons, employees, property of the Contractor or property of others.
The Contractor shall maintain contractor’s liability insurance in the amount of $300,000 for all services outlined. A certificate of insurance must be submitted to the city for the term of the contract on or before April 1, 2025. The contractor must also carry workers compensation for all workers in accordance with Kansas law. Failure to submit a certificate of insurance or cancellation of said insurance without prompt replacement will be cause for immediate termination of contract.
Proposal Criteria
Proposals should include qualification and annual maintenance charge for each cemetery listed separately. The city may select up to three different contractors, assigning one cemetery to each contractor based on the proposal that will be deemed the most advantageous to the city.
Request for proposals should be sealed and directed to:
City of Galena
211 W. 7th St
Galena, KS 66739
Proposals must be received by March 14, 2025, at 12:00PM.
The City of Galena will answer any question prior to the deadline for proposals. The selection of a contractor will be based on the evaluation of the proposals. The City reserves the right to select a contractor directly from the written proposals. The award may be made to the most qualified contractor whose proposal is deemed most advantageous to the city; all factors considered. Unsuccessful contractors will be notified as soon as possible.
The city reserves the right to negotiate an agreement with the selected contractor based on fair and reasonable compensation for the scope of work and services proposed as well as the right to reject all responses deemed unqualified, unsatisfactory, or inappropriate.
Contractor Name: _____________________________________________________
Business Name: ________________________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________________
City, State, Zip: _________________________________________________________
Phone Number: _________________________________________________________
Number of Employees: __________
April 1, 2025 – March 31, 2026
Oak Hill Cemetery Annual Fee: ______________________________
Old Galena Cemetery Annual Fee: ____________________________
Hillcrest Cemetery Annual Fee: ______________________________
Request for proposals should be directed to:
City of Galena
211 W 7th St
Galena, KS 66739
Proposals must be received by March 14, 2025 at 12:00 PM.
All questions can be directed to Superintendent Josh Reed at 620-783-1991 ext. 2
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