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Public Works


For Immediate Release
June 30, 2023
For more information, contact:
Matthew Lara

Boil Water Advisory Issued for the City of Galena, Cherokee County

TOPEKA – The Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) has issued a boil water advisory for
the City of Galena public water supply system located in Cherokee County.

Customers should observe the following precautions until further notice:

  • Boil water for one minute prior to drinking or food preparation or use bottled water.
  • Dispose of ice cubes and do not use ice from a household automatic icemaker.
  • If your tap water appears dirty, flush the water lines by letting the water run until it clears.
  • Disinfect dishes and other food contact surfaces by immersion for at least one minute in clean tap
    water that contains one teaspoon of unscented household bleach per gallon of water.
  • Water used for bathing does not generally need to be boiled. Supervision of children is necessary
    while bathing so that water is not ingested. Persons with cuts or severe rashes may wish to consult
    their physicians.

  • The advisory took effect on June 30, 2023 and will remain in effect until the conditions that placed the
    system at risk of bacterial contamination are resolved. KDHE officials issued the advisory because of of a
    line break resulting in a loss of pressure in the system. Failure to maintain adequate pressure may result in
    a loss of chlorine residuals and bacterial contamination.
    Regardless of whether the public water supplier or Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE)
    announced a boil water advisory, only KDHE can issue the rescind order following testing at a certified laboratory.
    For consumer questions, please contact the water system at 620-783-5265, or KDHE at 785-296-5514. For
    consumer information please visit KDHE’s PWS Consumer Information webpage:

  • Restaurants and other food establishments that have questions about the impact of the boil water advisory
    on their business can contact the Kansas Department of Agriculture’s food safety & lodging program at or call 785-564-6767.


Thanksgiving Holiday

City Offices will be closed Thursday, November 24th and Friday, November 25th for the Thanksgiving Holiday. Trash routes for Thursday and Friday will be picked up on Monday, November 28th.

For a Utility Emergency please contact the Galena Police Department at 620-783-5065.

Toys for Kids

On November 26, 2021, members of the Galena Police Department, Galena Fire Department and the City Clerks office participated in a Boot Block at 7th and Main Street in Galena to raise money for the annual Toys for Kids program. During the Boot Block we were able to collect over $2900.00 for this program.

Members of the City Clerks office, the City Court, and the Public Works Department used this money to buy toys for the Toys for Kids Program.  

On December 14, 2021, Santa visited the Spring Grove School to pass out toys for each child enrolled.

We would like to thank the community their support and donating to help make this another successful year for the program.

Road Closure for Railroad Repair


North Main in Galena will be closed from Front Street to Clark Street starting DECEMBER 7th at 7:00am through DECEMBER 9TH at 5:00pm. BNSF Railroad will be conducting Crossing Repairs during this time.

Please plan accordingly: There will be a DETOUR using Clark and Front Streets to bypass this work zone.

Main Street Project Inspection

On Tuesday January 12, 2020, Anderson Engineering will be Inspecting the Sidewalk Project along Main Street from Front Street to 7th Street. They will also be inspecting 7th Street from Joplin Street to Elm Street. This is a Quality and Warranty inspection to try to identify Construction issues which may exist. If you must park along Main Street on Tuesday; Please park and leave enough space so the Inspectors can have a clear view of all Sidewalks and Curbs. There will also be a Drone flying in the area to document the findings.

Main Street Closed for Maintenance

Main Street from 7th to Front Street will be closed on Saturday September 19 through Sunday September 20th. There will be a crew working to Seal, Paint Traffic Lines and Parking Spots.

Please make other arrangements for parking during this time and avoid this section to allow the workers to complete their work without delay.

We understand this may be an inconvenience but appreciate your cooperation while improvements and needed maintenance are being performed.