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Galena Fire Department

Preparation for Winter Weather

In preparation for winter weather this week, we wanted to make citizens aware of some schedule modifications if the predictions really occur:

  1. All city offices are already scheduled to be closed tomorrow, February 17th, for President’s Day. 
  2. The regular council meeting scheduled for Tuesday, February 18th, will be postponed to a later date (and will be published when a new date has been set). 
  3. Mondays trash is scheduled to be picked up on Tuesday due to being closed for President’s Day. We may be delayed on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays routes due to snow and below freezing temps. Worst case scenario, we will be caught up on all regular trash days next week. We will not be charging anyone for trash overages for next week or the following week.

All updates and modifications will be posted on the City website and Facebook page. Dispatch will run 24/7 regardless of weather. Again, this is solely in anticipation for severe winter weather. If we do not get what is predicted then it will be business as usual. 

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation as we (hopefully) close out the winter season. Check in on your friends, family and neighbors during this cold stretch. And keep our first responders and city lot crew in your prayers as they brave these cold days. 

Take care,

Ashley Qualls Groves 

Independence Day (4th of July)

As the 4th of July approaches people are starting to ask about the city ordnance on fire works with in the City Limits.

Fireworks may be discharged between the hours of 9:00 am through 10:30 pm on July 1st, 2nd , and 3rd. On July 4th they can be discharged between the hours of 9:00 am and ending at midnight.

BOTTLE ROCKETS PROHIBITED. Bottle rockets and other similar self-propelled firework or fireworks devices consisting of a tube and attached guiding stock or rod shall not be sold or discharged in the city.

DISCHARGE ON STREETS AND PUBLIC PROPERTY PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful for any person to discharge, ignite or fire any fireworks upon any public street, alley or avenue or in any park or public place within the city.

THROWING PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful for any person to throw, cast or propel fireworks of any kind in the direction of or into the path of any animal, person or group of persons, or from, in the direction of or into any vehicle of any kind.

Toys for Kids

On November 26, 2021, members of the Galena Police Department, Galena Fire Department and the City Clerks office participated in a Boot Block at 7th and Main Street in Galena to raise money for the annual Toys for Kids program. During the Boot Block we were able to collect over $2900.00 for this program.

Members of the City Clerks office, the City Court, and the Public Works Department used this money to buy toys for the Toys for Kids Program.  

On December 14, 2021, Santa visited the Spring Grove School to pass out toys for each child enrolled.

We would like to thank the community their support and donating to help make this another successful year for the program.

Arrest Made as a Result of an Ongoing Investigation

On Thursday December 9, 2021, at approximately 3:40 pm, Officers with the Galena Police Department were dispatched to 1606 South Main Street for a disturbance. Once officers arrived, they identified one of the persons involved in the disturbance as Bazil Hudson. Mr. Hudson has been part of a separate investigation by the Galena Police Department.

The Galena Police Department has been investigating allegations of Sex Crime reported to them a few months prior. Investigators submitted charges through the Cherokee County Attorneys Office last week in that case. As officers were working the disturbance they were initially called for; they were notified a Warrant had been issued by the Cherokee County District Court for the prior crimes.

Bazil V. Hudson, 29, of Galena was taken into custody for the active warrant. The following charges were listed on the warrant: Rape, two counts of Aggravated Criminal Sodomy, and Aggravated Indecent Solicitation of a child. As officer’s were arresting Mr. Hudson; additional charges are being submitted to the County Attorney’s office for two counts of Criminal Threat, Possession of Marijuana, and Possession of Drug Paraphernalia.

Bazil Hudson was transported to the Cherokee County Jail where he is being held in lieu of $111,000 bond.

Road Closure for Railroad Repair


North Main in Galena will be closed from Front Street to Clark Street starting DECEMBER 7th at 7:00am through DECEMBER 9TH at 5:00pm. BNSF Railroad will be conducting Crossing Repairs during this time.

Please plan accordingly: There will be a DETOUR using Clark and Front Streets to bypass this work zone.

Officer Position Available

The City of Galena, KS is looking for professional, self-motivated, community oriented, individuals to apply for Police Officer positions.

TYPE:  Full Time

SALARY:  Dependent on Qualifications


Applicants must be 21 years of age, a United States Citizen, have a high school diploma or equivalent, and good moral character.  Applicant cannot have felony or domestic violence arrests. Law Enforcement certified preferred but not mandatory.

The City of Galena is an Equal Opportunity Employer

Applicants are required to successfully pass a background investigation, psychological, physical, and drug and alcohol testing.

OBTAINING AN APPLICATION: To obtain an application; Print from City Web Site:  or request and return to: City Clerk’s Office at (620)783-5265, 211 W 7th Street Galena, KS 66739.

Route 66 Travelers Provide Donation

Today a group of Vietnamese Travelers from the Huston and Austin Tx area came through Galena traveling Route 66. They were traveling on 2 buses from All America Travel. They said they travel through here every 3 years or so and are really impressed with our little town. The group donated a total of $600.00 to the Police Department and Fire Station to show their appreciation for the jobs we do to keep the citizens safe. We would like to thank this group for their kind words of support and the donation they provided.

Taking Down DUI (New Year)

Beginning December 26, and continuing through January 3rd, The Galena Police Department will join many other police agencies across the state, including the Cherokee County Sheriff’s Office & Kansas Highway Patrol, in the Taking Down DUI traffic enforcement campaign, sponsored by the Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT).  

            The winter holidays are upon us, but this winter holiday is different. We are in the middle of a COVID pandemic. While we are all aware of the effects COVID has had on us, it has had a dramatic and devastating effect on our roads as well.

Marijuana, opioid, and alcohol use have increased substantially in general during the pandemic, but also with motor vehicle drivers.  These impairing substances now identified in nearly 25% of serious and fatal crashes. Remember, these crashes do not just affect the impaired driver- these crashes involve others that share the vehicle and road with us –passengers, other motorists, bicyclists, and pedestrians. Impaired driving crashes are completely preventable.

According to KDOT, in comparison with other holidays, the New Year’s Holiday period outranks most of the other holidays in number of crashes in which at least one of the drivers is impaired by alcohol and/or other drugs.  Your choice to drive or to take other safe transportation rests solely with you.

A DUI will change your life forever. A DUI arrest and conviction results in jail time, the suspension or permanent revocation of driver’s license, thousands of dollars for fines, bail, court costs, attorney fees and increased insurance costs.  

“If you plan on using an impairing substance over the holiday season; Line up a ride with a sober acquaintance or other safe transportation BEFORE you go out.     On the drive to zero, you are in the driver’s seat.” 


1st Responder’s Meet & Greet

Thursday October 8, 2020 starting at 6:00pm at the Galena Municipal Building there will be a Community Meet and Greet for all area 1st responders. There will be a meal provided by Local Business owner Bob Mitchell. This is a chance for the Community to meet, visit and get to know your area first responders.