For information on KOMA or KORA please visit the Attorney Generals Page.
Kansas Open Meetings Act (KOMA) does not require a group to create an agenda for its meetings. However, if an agenda is created, it should include all topics that are planned for discussion. The agenda can be amended during the meeting, unless a statute or rule prohibits it.
Here are some other things to know about the KOMA:
• The public can request the agenda and it must be made available to them.
• The agenda can be placed in a public place and does not need to be mailed out before the meeting.
• The public can attend the meeting, but they do not have the right to speak.
• The KOMA does not require detailed minutes of all meeting items, except for motions to go into executive session.
• Local bylaws, ordinances, or policies may require minutes.
• Executive sessions are permitted for certain purposes, but the body must first convene an open Meeting.